A logo of a circle with a line through it.

Ryan Lynch Game design

about me:

I am passionate about video games. I am a game design student, my favourite part of game design is texturing. I have completed year one of game design level 3. I have experience in making my own 3D models, texturing them and animating them. I also have experience with making my own concept art, and QA testing.

In my spare time I enjoy reading. I also enjoy creating through lego. I enjoy playing video games.

LInkedin profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryan-lynch-a664b1253/

Behance: https://www.behance.net/ryanlynch16

ich.io: https://ryan-lynch.itch.io/

Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/ryanlynch

soft skills

Good independent work, I have been able to complete many of my assignments in college independently.

Quick learner, I have learnt how to use many different types of software over the course of two years.

Good at organisation, I have always been on time to my lessons in college and have organised all my assignments.

Strong work ethic, I have never been late at any point in college and have handed in all my assignments in, in time.

Openness to criticism, I have used criticism to improve my work.

creative, I have created the narrative of three games in my assignments. I have also drawn concept art of items and characters for the games. I have also 3D molded original objects and a character.

Hard skills:

I have experience in software such as Maya, unreal, Jira, substance painter, pro motion and photoshop. I have gained these skills through college.

These are the 3D models I have worked on.

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